
Showing posts from October, 2017

The Next Ten Years

In a decade, I would love to have: *Finished writing my fiction books *Published at least one of my books *a better grasp on being more organized  *matured to be a stronger, more godly leader for my children *matured to be a stronger example of a godly wife to my husband *grown in my relationship with Jesus *memorized more Scripture

Sweet Sixteen

Sixteen years ago, a classmate stopped me after our college English class to suggest we get together to revise our research papers, which were fast approaching their due date. We stood outside the Mary Cable Building, which isn't even standing anymore, on an afternoon in late September when he asked if I was free to "study." We decided to meet up two days later, after our next class, and go to my house. As we headed to our cars, I still remember telling him, "Just follow me. And just to let you know, I don't speed in school zones." I still don't school zones.  I can't remember a single detail of our afternoon; except that we didn't get out our papers one single time. The evening ended with pizza and a walk around my apartment complex. Just after sundown, we stopped next to the pool.  He sat down and pulled me to him and he kissed me. This evening began a relationship that has lasted all this time. A little after two years after ou...

Love Unending

Recently my Bible study group for young moms began a new study called it  by Becky Thompson. It is about cultivating our marriages in this busy time of work and life and motherhood. We just started the book, but I am really enjoying it. Sometimes it is so difficult to remember that Eric and I were partners before we were parents and our relationship can't simply be shoved to the back burner just because we have two toddlers and are busy and tired.  We have to remember in the midst of the busyness and laundry, the dishes and the dirty floors that we must try to meet the needs of the other person. We have to remember this and not just  focus on the kids; because let's face it, they don't need me to be joined with them at the hip every single second.  Don't get me wrong...our kids are crazy important and they need our attention and love; we just need to make sure that we are carving out time for each other too. 

Summertime: The Halfway Point, 2017

I am simply amazed that it is already the middle of July. I mean...July??!!? I will absolutely admit that this has been the best summer I can remember on least of my adult life anyway. The days have just slipped by, mostly great days to be sure. The kids and I have spent days playing, reading, swinging and running around outside, and doing schoolwork. Isaac is working on learning his letters and numbers by sight while Brooke is learning her shapes. We've had such a sweet summer. I can admit that I'm not ready for it to end.  We paid a visit to the Children's Museum to explore Dinosphere; we have a little boy who is obsessed with dinosaurs. It was the cutest thing, he took his dinosaur book with him and told he wanted to find out if the Gallimimus hunted in packs! He is so smart.  Isaac and Daddy went to the track for qualifications. Isaac had a great time, although he was wiped out! While the boys had fun at the...

Learning How to Live Simply

Is it really possible to live simply in a world where less is more, except, of course, when more is more? The world screams "You CAN Have It All!"  It is your right!   It tells me that I can be everything I want to be; all the while having everything I want to have.  I can live in a fast-food world and have a runway-worthy body.  I can click on Pinterest and pin decor galore, holiday gifts, and kids' crafts.  I can go to my mailbox and pull out the latest issues of Better Homes and Gardens, Good Housekeeping and Martha Stewart Living and have the rooms, the look, the decor displayed on the pages.   And not just that I can have all these things, that I should have them.  I can live in a world where nothing should be denied; there is no such word as moderation. If I don't have a cover-worthy living room and a table set for exclusive company, with beautiful china and hand-embroidered linens,...


December was quite the whirlwind. At the beginning of the month, B was sick with an ear infection, I took her to immediate care in Avon after church. The doctor told me if she has another one I needed to talk to her pediatrician about possible tubes. That is certainly not something we want to do. About a week after B's trip to immediate care, Isaac woke up from his nap complaining that his ear hurt, so I took him to immediate care and he received antibiotics too. Just after that,  B developed a deep, nasty cough and runny nose.  On the 16th, Isaac has his Christmas performance at his preschool. It worked out so well, I was already off work because I was having surgery that same day at 1:00 p.m. in Danville. We all went to his preschool and it was such a sweet event. The kids sang quite a few songs and he even danced and rocked out to a few of them. It was so cute! I'm so glad I was able to be there.  After leaving his preschool, Mom and Dad took Broo...

Playing in the Leaves
