Is it really possible to live simply in a world where less is more, except, of course, when more is more? The world screams "You CAN Have It All!" It is your right! It tells me that I can be everything I want to be; all the while having everything I want to have. I can live in a fast-food world and have a runway-worthy body. I can click on Pinterest and pin decor galore, holiday gifts, and kids' crafts. I can go to my mailbox and pull out the latest issues of Better Homes and Gardens, Good Housekeeping and Martha Stewart Living and have the rooms, the look, the decor displayed on the pages. And not just that I can have all these things, that I should have them. I can live in a world where nothing should be denied; there is no such word as moderation. If I don't have a cover-worthy living room and a table set for exclusive company, with beautiful china and hand-embroidered linens,...