Welcome 2020!
Welcome 2020! Welcoming a new year is always exciting and new; like a journal that has crisp unblemished pages. I always feel prepared to make resolutions and set new goals for myself; I don’t always keep my resolutions and goals, but I do enjoy making them. Maybe setting a resolution for keeping my resolutions...what a novel idea. I’ve even talked with the kids about setting a goal and I think they are considering it. I gave a few suggestions and we talked about what goals were and which ones they could accomplish, so we will see. Isaac, our big FIRST grader, is one of the funniest boys around. He still has his own way of pronouncing various words, like “combvine” instead of combine and “facipier” instead of pacifier. He’s the cutest kid. He loves to play Minecraft and, for whatever reason, watch other kids play Minecraft on YouTube Kids. I don’t really understand that one. He also enjoys explaining things to us and can...
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