Summertime: The Halfway Point, 2017

I am simply amazed that it is already the middle of July. I mean...July??!!?

I will absolutely admit that this has been the best summer I can remember on least of my adult life anyway. The days have just slipped by, mostly great days to be sure. The kids and I have spent days playing, reading, swinging and running around outside, and doing schoolwork. Isaac is working on learning his letters and numbers by sight while Brooke is learning her shapes. We've had such a sweet summer. I can admit that I'm not ready for it to end. 

We paid a visit to the Children's Museum to explore Dinosphere; we have a little boy who is obsessed with dinosaurs. It was the cutest thing, he took his dinosaur book with him and told he wanted to find out if the Gallimimus hunted in packs! He is so smart. 

Isaac and Daddy went to the track for qualifications. Isaac had a great time, although he was wiped out! While the boys had fun at the track, Brooke and Mommy took a nap on the couch. I love snuggling these two, it just never gets old. 

Brooke's birthday is today actually, we now have a three-year-old girl. Although to be fair it sometimes seems like we have a thirteen-year-old girl with how sassy she is. (If you don't believe me, just check out the second picture below) She has mentioned no less than five times today that it is her birthday. She asked me a question and I suppose I answered her just a little louder than she liked so she responded, "Mommy, say it nice. It's my birthday." :)

I am so thankful that I still have a few weeks off with these little sweeties. Off to make more memories!

One of my favorites!

Oh these two!

Brooke crying because Isaac wanted in the picture too!


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