Wow! So apparently I have forgotten how to write on this blog. It has only been a solid year since the last entry. Yikes.

      So...not much has changed around here, I mean except for Isaac going to kindergarten, Brooke starting preschool, the kids each taking a trip with Nanner and Big Guy to Florida, and our newest addition being born. So, yeah, not much.

      So Isaac enrolled in kindergarten (!?!) already. I mean he was literally just born and now he's going off to school like a big boy. He had a slightly rough start to school, which honestly wasn't a surprise as change and new transitions are hard for him, but he ended up loving kindergarten. He loved his friends, he loved the free choice stations, he loved recess, but most of all he loved his teacher Ms. Stevens. She was unendingly patient with him and caring. She helped him learn how to work with others and function in a school setting. He also had a wonderful school counselor, Mrs. Newman, who came in to every classroom and working with the students on how to get along with others and how to control anger and frustration. Isaac benefited so much from her suggestions and strategies and he continues to use what she taught him.

     Brooke had another wonderful year at a local preschool. She is still a bit nervous when going to school. There were a few tears, but overall she loved it. She loved her teachers and she had quite a few sweet friends that she played with and talked about with us at home.


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