Summer Winds Down
This has been a whirlwind of a summer! It's crazy how one summer can be so many things at once: busy, quiet, calm, predictable, wild, and now...over. The kids began the summer with swim lessons from the town of Speedway. The swim lessons were held at Speedway High School each weekday for thirty minutes. Brooke was apprehensive before the lessons began, she has never had her swimmies of in the pool before and was concerned about getting in without them. Brooke went from dreading the lessons and crying while getting in the pool to loving her lessons. This change was directly related to the fact that she developed a small crush on one of the swimming teachers. Isaac loved the lessons, he took off his swimmies last year and has never looked back. He spent a good deal of time playing with the other three boys in his group level but did learn the front stroke. This summer also gave us time to visit: the Avon Splash Pad, the free summer movie offering at the Danville Royal Theater,...