January/February 2018
Well, we rang in 2018 in the Lawrence household with two of us, Brooke and Me, sick with the flu. Brooke had a rough morning, but she bounced back pretty quickly and was better by Sunday afternoon. I was sick/under the weather for a few days after. Brooke recovered and now both kids are sick again. Both with fevers, coughing, phlegm, hacking, and snotty noses. It's pretty frustrating. They get sick, then get better, then get sick again, then get a little better. This flu season is brutal all over the country. So many sick and worse. I will be so thankful when this flu season is over! Right now I am home on a vacation day (Presidents' Day) and Isaac and I are writing letters and numbers. He is always resistant at first when we are doing schoolwork, but he generally comes around. I cannot believe that he will be ready for kindergarten next year. I am not quite ready for this season of life! A boy and his dog Elsa - using her freezing power on Mommy Isaac is...